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Finding Stepping Stones for Dialogue on Sexuality

ICCO; Convention Hall, Room 104
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Tuesday 05 Nov 2013 14:15 - 15:45

ICCO; Convention Hall, Room 104

This workshop aims to broaden the common ground amongst clergy from diverse convictions regarding sexual orientation and legitimate Biblical interpretations to explore through dialogue their grappling with the intersection between faith, human rights, homophobia, trans phobia, discrimination, hate crimes, patriarchy, differences in culture, traditions, background, race, gender etc. Where is consensus and where parting of ways? Can we find enough common ground within our faith to stand together against abuses, while we differ deeply on how we read the Bible on sexuality and sexual orientations ? The sharing of deep pain and implications of silence or condoning of violence, because of “otherness” etc. can be shared through documentaries, real life stories in person and from all sides, not only sexual minorities, their parents, family or friends, but also clergy. And the sharing role model dialogue as method.