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Serendip-Justice dancing on everflowing streams

Methodist Church in Sri Lanka - Theological College of Lanka Dance performance Madang Hall, performance stage
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Thursday 07 Nov 2013 12:30 - 14:00

Methodist Church in Sri Lanka - Theological College of Lanka Dance performance Madang Hall, performance stage

An colourful and engaging presentation, through traditional/indigenous music, dance and drama, of a people's yearning and struggle for justice, peace and reconciliation in a broken world of religious and cultural differences, and changing historical and political circumstances. It also tells the story of a pilgrimage of courage and hope in the midst of uncertainty and despair, of the celebration of diversity in harmony as justice dances on ever flowing streams (Amos 5:24). This is an energetic, vibrant, and aesthetically beautiful portrayal that will raise your spirit and draw you into a celebration of resurrection hope with a passion for justice and peace