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On the way with God’s mission

The image of water is at the centre of prayers and Bible study for Monday, 4 November. The Bible text guiding prayers and study is from Acts 8:26-40.

The image of water is at the centre of prayers and Bible study for Monday, 4 November. The Bible text guiding prayers and study is from Acts 8:26-40.


God is calling us to be born “of water and of spirit” (John 3:5). Water symbolizes life, as it cleanses, renews and re-vitalizes. It is the purifying and liberating element, as in the Exodus and in the act of baptism. It is also a necessary component for the conservation and growth of every kind of life. On the other hand, water can seriously endanger creation if it comes as flood or tsunami. The WCC believes that water is the symbol of life, and access to safe drinking water should be regarded and implemented worldwide as a human right.

Opening prayer

L1: Everyone who thirsts come to the waters!
And you that have no money: come, buy and eat!

L2: The Triune God invites the whole creation to the Feast of Life, through Jesus Christ who came “that they may have life, and may have it in all its fullness.”

C: Amen.

L1: All praise be to God.
C: Alleluia!

See page 96 of Halleluja! Resource for Prayer and Praise (pdf, 4 MB) for all prayer texts of the day.

Bible study: Living Water

The text relates the mission of the Spirit to the symbol of the water of life. The Holy Spirit is the Life-giver, who sustains and empowers life and sends out God’s people to preach the good news of Jesus Christ. How and where do we discern God’s life-giving work, and how are we enabled to participate in God’s mission today?

Read the complete Bible study by Eleni Kasselouri-Hatzivassiliadi

Questions for reflection and discussion

  1. Imagine you are the Ethiopian. What are your feelings after listening Philip’s explanation of prophet Isaiah?
  2. Write four words that express your thoughts and feelings regarding Philip and his missionary method.
  3. The new mission statement, Together towards Life, para. 59, declares: “Living out our faith in community is an important way of participating in mission. Through baptism, we become sisters and brothers belonging together in Christ (Hebrews 10:25). The church is called to be an inclusive community that welcomes all. Through word and deed and in its very being, the church foretastes and witnesses to the vision of the coming reign of God. The church is the coming together of the faithful and their going forth in peace.” Can you reflect on the paragraph in connection to our story?