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Churches to observe International Day of Prayer for Peace
The WCC is calling its member churches to observe the International Day of Prayer for Peace on 21 September.
Events today dramatize lessons and legacies of Hiroshima and Nagasaki anniversary
Events in Northeast Asia this year “dramatize how much the region and the world still live in the shadow of mass destruction”, the WCC general secretary said in a comment on the 68th anniversary this week of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945. “The God of life calls all of us to take up [the survivors’] tireless cry and make certain that a Hiroshima or Nagasaki bombing can never happen again.”
WCC assembly theme explored by German and Argentinian ministers
Pastors from Germany and Argentina reflect on what peace and justice means while a local church in Germany encourages others to do the same through a new resource.
Youth in Germany feel the rhythm of Busan
While the WCC 10th Assembly is several months away, a foretaste of what young people will bring to the assembly and experience is already developing a rhythm.
Holding on to faith traditions, Uganda churches build their country
“Uganda is a country of strong Christian witness. It is a country of Christian martyrs like Archbishop Janani Luwum, who lost his life at the hands of Idi Amin. It is therefore natural that we get together in Uganda to see what peace, justice and dignity mean to the African churches.”
Churches seek life, peace, justice and dignity for Africa
At the 50th anniversary of the All Africa Conference of Churches, church leaders from more than forty African countries ask how they can rise up against the shackles of the colonial legacy, conflicts, poverty, class struggles and political upheavals, to unlock Africa's immense potential.
Broad coalition of Christians joins in Celebration of Unity
A historic moment in the life of the churches in Indonesia was observed in Jakarta from 17 to 18 May in a Celebration of Unity that brought together 100,000 Christians representing many churches and traditions from all across the country.
Buddhist-Christian encounter to explore new mode of dialogue
An upcoming WCC consultation in Bangkok will attempt a distinctive mode of inter-religious dialogue.
WCC assembly to be a pilgrimage to peace and justice
In a ceremony at the German Protestant Kirchentag, more than a thousand participants offered prayers for the WCC Busan assembly delegates, commissioning them to tread the “paths to peace in the East and West, North and South."
WCC and partners strengthen relationship in advance of assembly
The upcoming WCC 10th Assembly is not only a pivotal moment in the life of the global fellowship of 345 member churches but also a defining moment for the WCC and its programmatic and financial partners.
Proclaiming God of life entails mission from the margins
“The urgency of life today” drives Christian engagement in mission, say ten contributors to a new issue of the International Review of Mission, which links the new paradigm of mission to the theme of the upcoming WCC assembly.
New congregational resource invites "pilgrimage to Busan"
Available now in four languages, a new online publication from the WCC invites parishes and congregations to explore the themes of Christian unity, justice and peace in advance of the upcoming WCC 10th Assembly.