Asian Theological Education: Ecumenical Encounter in Struggling Lives
Asian Forum for Theological Education in Asia; Madang Meeting Room 1
04 Nov 2013
14:15 - 15:45
Asian Forum for Theological Education in Asia; Madang Meeting Room 1 |
The Asian Forum on Theological Education (AFTE) is an ecumenical platform for national and regional associations of theological schools in Asia which promotes dialogue on contextual Asian theologies and case, gender and indigenous contextual issues, quality assurance, accreditation and recognition of degrees in theological education across the different denominational and national systems of affiliation. This workshop will introduce some of the results of the three workshops of AFTE held since 2010, particularly the last joint conference with WOCATI in Torch Trinity Divinity School, South Korea, in 2013, and will invite for further networking on theological education in the Asian region.