Palestinian children and the right to education
Booth 71, Madang Hall
04 Nov 2013
18:00 - 19:00
EAPPI Booth 71, Madang Hall |
Every year, when over a million children return to school in Palestine occupied territories, an unacceptable number of them face long and precarious journeys to schools ill-equipped to receive them. Over 10,000 children start their school year in tents, caravans, or tin shacks and at least one third of government schools in these areas have poor and inadequate water and sanitation facilities. More than 226,000 children and over 9,300 teachers are unable to reach their regular classrooms and at least 580 schools have been closed due to Israeli military curfews, closures and home confinement. UNICEF has said Israel has an obligation to ensure education is accessible to every Palestinian child, in accordance with the 4th Geneva Convention and the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Come to get informed and to talk about this critical issue with Mr Adli Daana, UNICEF Learning for Development Officer.