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God’s journey

The image of the tree of life is at the centre of prayers and Bible study for Thursday, 31 October. The Bible text guiding prayers and study is from Genesis 2.

The image of the tree of life is at the centre of prayers and Bible study for Thursday, 31 October. The Bible text guiding prayers and study is from Genesis 2.

Tree of Life

On our journey we can rest under a tree provided by God (Genesis 2:5-9, 15 – 17).

The God of life has created trees to sustain life – for clean air, restful shade, fruit to eat, sustenance of the land and beauty. Yet, we have cut down the trees for profit or for survival in poor communities, and the land has been degraded without the trees. Perhaps we have harvested fruit from the Tree of Knowledge without harvesting wisdom from the Tree of Life. Knowledge of what is good only for me, in the moment, may lead to the death of our earth and all its creatures. The apostles refer to the cross as a tree (Acts 5:30, 10:39; 13:29). Catherine of Siena, amongst other saints and theologians, links the tree of death with the tree of life.

Opening prayer

Our spirit seeks you in the early dawn, O God,
for your commandments are light.
Teach us your righteousness
and make us worthy to follow your commandments with all our strength.
Take away from our hearts every darkness.
Grant to us the Sun of righteousness
and protect our lives from any bad influence
with the seal of your most Holy Spirit.
Direct our steps to the way of peace
and grant to us that this present morning may be peaceful
so that we may send up the morning hymns
to you the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,
the only God,
who is more than without beginning
and creator of all.

See page 46 of Halleluja! Resource for Prayer and Praise (pdf, 4 MB) for all prayer texts of the day.

Bible study: Do Just This – Protect Life!

The God of life created human beings from the earth with God’s breath of life. The very nature of human life is in connection with God and creation. God entrusted us with the mission to look after the garden of life and forbad us to eat the fruits that tempt us to be like the Almighty God. The opening Bible study is a reflection on the nature of life and how to celebrate, sustain and affirm it in relation to the theme of the assembly. Diverse contextual readings of the text are possible.

Read the complete Bible study by Jione Havea

Questions for reflection and discussion

  1. What encourages and protects life and living in your home settings?
  2. What forms of labour dignify life in your home settings?
  3. With what views on women and gender are you [not] at peace, and why?
  4. What default position toward people of dark skin colours are just to you, and why?
  5. If you had the opportunity, what might a fresco based on Gen. 2:4b-17 look like?