What is the Global Christian Forum?
Global Christian Forum;
Madang Meeting Room 1 (Booth 36)
07 Nov 2013
13:00 - 14:00
Global Christian Forum; Madang Meeting Room 1 (Booth 36) |
This side event, “What is the Global Christian Forum?” will be a space of discussion with key ecumenists and leaders in the Global Christian Forum. Those who were present at the global gatherings in Limuru, Kenya in 2007 and Manado, Indonesia in 2011 will share their “testimonies.” Former general secretary Konrad Raiser will be asked to share his initial vision for the GCF, and Samuel Kobia will share his experience at Limuru. Other key leaders such as Hubert van Beek, Larry Miller, Dimitra Koukoura, Mel Robeck and Sarah Rowland Jones will be in dialogue about the journey of the GCF.