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Media impact & news in other languages

Links to media coverage of the WCC 10th Assembly and articles published by sponsored journalists in other languages.
Femke Visser is op een grote ontdekkingstocht
Article in Dutch by Femke Visser, a participant of the GETI
Impact of Christianity's shifting gravity on world Church body: Book
Rev. Wesley Granberg-Michaelson has alerted participants to the forthcoming World Council of Churches 10th Assembly in Busan, to be aware that they meet in rapidly changing times for world Christianity.
Gottesdienst zur 10. Vollversammlung des Ökumenischen Rates
„Gott des Lebens, weise uns den Weg zu Gerechtigkeit und Frieden“. Unter dieser Überschrift findet bis 8. November 2013 die 10. Vollversammlung des Ökumenischen Rates der Kirchen im südkoreanischen Busan statt.
Bischof Hein: ÖRK-Treffen ist Chance für mehr Frieden
Der Weltkirchenrat will sich auf seiner zehnten Vollversammlung in Südkorea vom 30. Oktober bis 8. November mit den globalen Krisenherden, dem Klimawandel und der politischen Teilung des asiatischen Landes beschäftigen. "Der Ökumenische Rat der Kirchen ist keine bessere UNO", sagte der Kasseler Bischof und Ökumenefachmann Martin Hein dem Evangelischen Pressedienst (epd).
Ekumenisk världsfest i Busan
På onsdag den 30 oktober inleds Kyrkornas världsråds tionde generalförsamling i Busan, Sydkorea. Ungefär 3 000 deltagare från hela världen samlas för att diskutera, be, fira gudstjänster och ta beslut om världsrådets framtida inriktning och ledarskap. emat är God of life, lead us in justice and peace.
Peace Train arrives from Berlin
Participants who took the Peace Train cheer in front of Seoul City Hall, Oct. 28. The train arrived in Seoul after having left Berlin on Oct. 8 then traveled through Moscow, to Beijing.
Südkorea: Weltkirchentreffen beginnt
In Südkorea beginnt heute die 10. Vollversammlung des Ökumenischen Rates der Kirchen (ÖRK). Bis 8. November sollen in der Hafen-Metropole Busan Wege für eine soziale, gerechte und friedliche Gestaltung der Globalisierung gesucht werden.
60-year journey for gender justice continues
Participants from across the ecumenical membership of the WCC gathered from 28 to 29 October for a Women and Men’s Pre-assembly programme preceding the WCC 10th Assembly in Busan, Republic of Korea.
Korean Christians rail against world church body, Peace Train arrives
A group of more than 1,000 lively Korean protestors rail against the evil and inclusive ways of the World Council of Churches the day before it starts its October 30 to November 8 Assembly at which planning for the global ecumenical movement takes place for the next seven years.
Kirkkojen maailmanneuvosto pehmentää enemmistövaltaa
Kirkkojen maailmanneuvosto pehmentää enemmistövaltaa. Tänään keskiviikkona Etelä-Korean Busanissa alkava yleiskokous piirtää maailmanjärjestön käytännöllisen ja teologisen työn suuntaviivat seuraaviksi vuosiksi, hyväksyy joukon ekumeenisia dokumentteja ja valitsee seuraavaan yleiskokoukseen asti kokoontuvan keskuskomitean.
Weltkirchenrat eröffnet 10. Vollversammlung in Busan
Großes ökumenisches Kirchentreffen in Südkorea - Themenfeld "Gerechtigkeit und Frieden" sowie Bemühungen zur Wiedervereinigung von Süd- und Nordkorea auf dem Programm.
LGBT forum in Korea faces resistance
Attempts to discuss Christian attitudes toward gay people at the World Council of Churches (WCC) meeting held in Busan were derailed by resistance to engaging with the issue, according to one of its key organizers on Tuesday.
Papst an Weltkirchenrat: Gemeinsam gegen Nöte der Globalisierung
Papst Franziskus hat in einer Botschaft an den Weltkirchenrat die Christen zum gemeinsamen Einsatz für die Würde jedes Menschen in der globalisierten Welt aufgerufen.
Weltkirchenrat tagt in Korea
Mit Appellen zur friedlichen Wiedervereinigung Koreas hat gestern im südkoreanischen Busan die zehnte Vollversammlung des Weltkirchenrats begonnen. Wie der Generalsekretär des Rates, der norwegische Pfarrer Olav Fykse Tveit, betonte, werden die 350 Mitgliedskirchen einen Annäherungsprozess zwischen den verfeindeten Teilen des ostasiatischen Landes unterstützen.
It's men and women in black on Thursdays from October 31
Thursdays in Black launches as a united global expression of the desire for safe communities where all people can walk safely without fear of being raped, shot at, beaten up, verbally abused and discriminated against due to one's gender or sexual orientation says Fulata Mbano-Moyo, World Council of Churches program executive for Women in Church and Society.
Pope sends greetings to World Council of Churches, stresses joint action to help the poor
In a message to the 10th general assembly of the World Council of Churches (WCC), Pope Francis expressed the hope that the meeting will “help to consolidate the commitment of all Christ's followers to intensified prayer and co-operation in the service of the Gospel and the integral good of our human family.”
Pope's Message to the 10th General Assembly of the World Council of Churches
Churches, which is taking place in Busan, South Korea from October 30th - November 8th. The message was sent to Cardinal Kurt Koch, president of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, who relayed the Pope’s message to the General Assembly.
Pope: every Christian should bear witness to the value of everyone's dignity
In a message to the World Council of Churches' Assembly, Francis stresses that globalisation requires that Christ's followers promote "the cultural, social and legal conditions which enable individuals and communities to grow in freedom", protect the family and guarantee an "integral education" for the young as well as the "untrammelled exercise of religious liberty" for all.
La unidad de los cristianos, "causa sagrada"
Francisco ha expresado su deseo de que la X Asamblea General del Consejo Ecuménico de las Iglesias "contribuya a dar un nuevo impulso de vitalidad y de perspectiva a todos los que están comprometidos con la causa sagrada de la unidad cristiana".
Song, dance at world churches' body convention tells Korea story
Korea spent most of the first 45 years of the 20th century occupied by Japan. After the end of World War II the encroachment of the Cold War led the country into the unresolved Korean War from 1950 to 1953, a conflict that left the country divided into North and South Korea. Dancers at the opening ceremony of the 10th World Council of Churches Assembly in Busan captured that history.
Ecumenical leader urges world church body to face up to changes
A key leader in the World Council of Churches has urged its members to note the shifting "center of gravity" in global Christianity and the influence of secularism as contributing to waning interest in religion in Western countries.
Global churches leader sees world facing serious threats, but with hope
The world is at a time when the life of God's creation is more at threat than it has ever been, the top official at the World Council of Churches, its general secretary, Rev. Olav Fykse Tveit, has said during his address to the World Council of Churches 10th Assembly in Busan, South Korea.
Indigenous people calls for support
Indigenous people from 50 countries will urge the World Council of Churches to call on governments to ensure their rights to ecological justice, self-determination and participation in the economy.
Pacific delegates at WCC remember victims of domestic violence
Pacific delegates to the World Council of Churches 10th Assembly dressed in black Thursday to remember the victims of domestic violence.
Activists call on WCC to acknowledge LGBT rights
The issue of equality for all people was raised at the World Council of Churches 10th Assembly by a group of LGBT activists.
WCC chief highlights continuing support for MENA region
The plight of Christian communities in the Middle East and North Africa, and the region as a whole, will continue to be a key focus for the World Council of Churches, WCC General Secretary the Rev Dr Olav Fykse Tveit affirmed at the end of the opening plenary of the 10th Assembly meeting in Busan, Republic of Korea.
Weltkirchenrat will verfolgten Christen in islamischen Ländern helfen
"Es ist die Rolle der Kirchen, die Stimme derjenigen zu sein, die leiden", sagte Generalsekretär Olav Fykse Tveit am Donnertag im südkoreanischen Busan. Auf der 10. Vollversammlung in der Hafenmetropole wollen die gut 350 Mitgliedskirchen des Ökumene-Dachverbandes einen Appell gegen die Unterdrückung der Christen verabschieden.
Peace with justice is 'central' to WCC's work
Peace with justice is a theme central to the work of the World Council of Churches, the Rev Dr Walter Altmann, moderator of the WCC Central Committee, says.
World churches' assembly opens in Busan
The 10th Assembly of the World Council of Churches (WCC) opened on Wednesday 30 October 2013 in Busan, Republic of Korea, under the theme “God of life, lead us to justice and peace.”
Prime Minister of Republic of Korea welcomes WCC assembly
Greetings were extended by Chung Hongwon, prime minister of the Republic of Korea, at the World Council of Churches (WCC) 10th Assembly in Busan. In his speech he welcomed the assembly participants, and acknowledged contributions of the Korean churches towards peace, justice and provision of help to the disadvantaged.
PM vows efforts for peace beyond Korean Peninsula
SEOUL, Oct. 31 (Yonhap) -- South Korean Prime Minister Chung Hong-won pledged Thursday his government's efforts to contribute to peace on the Korean Peninsula and beyond.
Cardinal Koch: Catholic Church has strong collaboration with WCC
(Vatican Radio) The 10th Assembly of the World Council of Churches (WCC) opened on in Busan, Korea, with the theme “God of life, lead us to justice and peace.”
Can love cast out fear? Behind the anti-WCC protests
Home › Can love cast out fear? Behind the anti-WCC protests Can love cast out fear? Behind the anti-WCC protests Simon Barrow By Simon Barrow 31 Oct 2013 While the extraordinarily diverse gathering that is the tenth World Council of Churches (WCC) Assembly in Busan is seeking to put out a positive message about Christian unity and common witness for justice and peace in the world, quite a bit of the media in Korea, where the gathering is taking place, is rather more stirred by the antics of fundamentalist-type groups vehemently opposed to the WCC.
Weltkirchenrat sorgt sich um Christen
Der Weltkirchenrat sorgt sich um verfolgte Christen in Ländern wie Ägypten, Pakistan oder Syrien. Für Streit sorgt der Umgang mit Homosexualität
Youths calls for greater action by Church on climate change nuclear energy
Young people from Europe, Africa and Asia joined their Pacific counterparts to call for greater action by churches in the area of climate change and nuclear energy.
Church leaders must step up global advocacy to stop the abuse of indigenous resources
Church leaders must step up global advocacy to stop the abuse of indigenous resources, Pacific delegates told the World Council of Churches 10th Assembly.
Митрополит Волоколамский Иларион выступил с докладом на Генеральной ассамблее Всемирного совета церквей
1 ноября на пленарном заседании X Генеральной ассамблеи Всемирного совета церквей, проходящей в Пусане (Республика Корея), прозвучало выступление митрополита Волоколамского Илариона, председателя Отдела внешних церковных связей Московского Патриархата
Les responsables chrétiens prient pour la paix entre les deux Corées
Des dizaines de représentants chrétiens du monde entier se sont recueillis les 2 et 3 novembre à la frontière entre les deux pays, ainsi que dans plusieurs autres lieux de mémoire de l’histoire douloureuse de la péninsule.
À Busan, les participants à l’Assemblée du COE ont des journées chargées
Comme les précédentes Assemblées, celle de Busan fait alterner vie spirituelle, travaux œcuméniques, ateliers sur des questions d’actualité et affaires administratives.
Piikkilanka Korean halki pysäyttää
Pääsin lauantaina käymään Etelä-Korean Pohjois-Korean vastaisen rajavyöhykkeen reunassa Imjingakissa, Koreassa tunnetulla Vapauden sillalla. Aluetta halkovan joen toisella puolella alkoi rajavyöhyke, joka päättyy joidenkin kilometrien päässä Pohjois-Korean vastaiseen aselepolinjaan. Sinne ryhmät pääsevät vain rajoitetusti ja etukäteen ilmoittautumalla, sotilaiden valvonnassa. - See more at:
Archbishop Welby says it is a 'privilege' to be at the WCC Assembly
Archbishop Justin Welby, who is spiritual head of the Church of England and of the 78 million-strong global Anglican Communion, told the gathering in Busan, Republic of Korea: "It is a great privilege – more than I can express in words – for me to be here at the opening of the 10th Assembly.
Weltkirchenrat bereit für Kirchenführer-Treffen zu Syrien
Der Ökumenische Rat der Kirchen (ÖRK) ist bereit, ein Treffen bedeutender Religionsvertreter zur Krisensituation in Syrien zu organisieren.
“Le chiese siano sensibili alla situazione delle vittime”
A Busan, in Corea del Sud, al via la decima Assemblea del Consiglio ecumenico delle Chiese.
Papst will Zusammenarbeit mit Weltkirchenrat vertiefen
Papst Franziskus will die Zusammenarbeit mit dem Ökumenischen Rat der Kirchen (ÖRK) offenbar vertiefen. Das kündigt der vatikanische Ökumene-Minister, Kurienkardinal Kurt Koch, bei der Vollversammlung des ÖRK in Südkorea an.
Pfingstkirchen und Weltkirchenrat gehen aufeinander zu
Es sei an der Zeit, dass alle Christen im Kampf gegen Armut, Korruption und religiösem Extremismus zusammenarbeiten, sagte der Vorsitzende der Weltgemeinschaft der Pfingstkirchen, Pfarrer Prince Guneratnam (Malaysia) am Freitag auf der 10. Vollversammlung des Ökumenischen Rates der Kirchen (ÖRK) im südkoreanischen Busan.
Archbishop of Canterbury: Jesus, friendships are common for Church unity
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby has made his first appearance at an assembly of the World Council of Churches when he attended the 10th Assembly of the World Council of Churches Asia meeting in Busan, South Korea.
Young Koreans: Churches' presence boosts Busan, Christian faith
Young Koreans have said the 10th Assembly of the World Council of Churches in Busan will boost tourism and development in the place where they were born and love proud that it is Korea's fastest developing area.
Weltkirchenrat: Weltwirtschaft ist "gottlos"
Das zügellose Profitstreben trage zur Erderwärmung, der Verarmung breiter Massen und zu bewaffneten Konflikten bei, heißt es in einer am Montag auf der 10. Vollversammlung des Ökumenischen Rates der Kirchen (ÖRK) im südkoreanischen Busan vorgelegten Grundsatzerklärung. Die Weltwirtschaftsordnung sei ungerecht und "gottlos".
World Council of Churches Elects New Presidents; Inter-Religious Ceremony Marks Importance of Water
The World Council of Churches (WCC) elected eight new presidents during its 10th Assembly on Monday in Busan, South Korea, while religious leaders talked about the importance of water in Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Jewish and Buddhist faiths during a ceremony on the same day.
World churches' body elects new presidents
The 10th Assembly of the World Council of Churches has elected eight new presidents. The news came on 4 November 2013 after a closed session at its proceedings in Busan, Republic of Korea.
Weltkirchenrat: Weltwirtschaft ist "ausbeuterisch" und "gottlos"
Der Weltkirchenrat fordert eine Abkehr von einer globalen "Ökonomie der Habgier". Die bestehende Weltwirtschaftsordnung sei ungerecht und "gottlos", heißt es in einer am Montag auf der 10. Vollversammlung des Ökumenischen Rates der Kirchen (ÖRK) im südkoreanischen Busan vorgelegten Grundsatzerklärung.
WCC seeks fresh understanding of the church's mission today
The World Council of Churches (WCC) 10th Assembly has been discussing mission - the task and message of the church today. The plenary session presented an action-oriented reflection based on the new WCC mission statement, Together Towards Life: Mission and Evangelism in Changing Landscapes.
Archbishop Welby: No Sacrifice too Great to Obey Christ’s Call to Unity
(Vatican Radio) The head of the Anglican Communion, the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby, said he hopes to “produce a few surprises” with Pope Francis in terms of ecumenical relations between the two churches, but declined to disclose any details.
Faith leaders highlight spiritual need for water justice
A symbolic act of pouring water into one common vessel, carried out by religious leaders representing Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Jewish and Buddhist faiths, marked the significance of water in various religious traditions. In so doing, they highlighted the spiritual impetus towards water justice and sharing in a divided world.
World churches' body elects new presidents
The 10th Assembly of the World Council of Churches has elected eight new presidents. The news came on 4 November 2013 after a closed session at its proceedings in Busan, Republic of Korea. According to the WCC constitution the role of the WCC presidents is to promote ecumenism and interpret the work of the WCC, especially in their respective regions
“Expect Surprises”: Archbishop of Canterbury’s Remarkable Interview at the World Council of Churches
The Archbishop of Canterbury has hinted that we should expect “a few surprises” in terms of ecumenical relations between the Anglican Communion and the Roman Catholic Church.
Africa: Assembly Elects New WCC Presidents
The 10th Assembly of the World Council of Churches elected eight new presidents today during a closed session at its proceedings in Busan, Republic of Korea.
Mission: A Call to Life-Giving Witness
GENEVA, Nov.4, 2013 /Standard Newswire/ -- Today the World Council of Churches (WCC) 10th Assembly featured a mission plenary. The plenary session presented an action-oriented reflection based on the new WCC mission statement: Together Towards Life: Mission and Evangelism in Changing Landscapes. The plenary sought to highlight the common challenges and opportunities for mission in the current global context.
WCC Elects Bishop MacDonald
The 10th Assembly of the World Council of Churches elected eight new presidents, including the Rt. Rev. Mark MacDonald, National Indigenous Anglican Bishop in the Anglican Church of Canada, during a closed session Nov. 4. WCC presidents promote ecumenism and interpret the work of the ecumenical council, especially in their respective regions. The presidents are ex-officio members of the WCC’s central committee.
Karekin II heads World Council of Churches
The delegates of the 10th assembly of the World Council of Churches unanimously elected His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch ans Catholicos of All Armenians to become the President of the World Council of Churches.
Südkorea: Anglikanerprimas gegen „Suppen-Christentum“
Der Ökumenische Rat der Kirchen, bei der über 300 christliche Kirchen Mitglied sind, riskiert zu einer „Vereinigung der Trennung statt Einheit“ zu verkommen.
Gay group upset about churches group 'dodging' homosexuality
Representatives of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transvestite community at the exhibition center next to the 10th Assembly of the World Council of Churches expressed anger and disappointment that the WCC has no policy either for or against the support for gay people.
Gereja dan Perubahan Iklim: Kita memiliki Harapan
“Benar, gereja dan lembaga-lembaga berbasis gereja membutuhkan bukti untuk percaya bahwa pembahasan dan aksi-aksi kita selama ini untuk menangani perubahan iklim ini dan dampaknya ada dalam jalur yang benar walaupun kecepatannya salah alias kurang cepat,” Isaiah Kipyegon Toroitich staf advokasi di Sekretariat ACT Alliance menyampaikan kesimpulannya setelah perbincangan dengan Rev. Dr. Jochen Motte dari UEM (United Evangelical Mission) dan Sophia Wirsching dari BfDW (Broth for Die Welt) membahas tentang isu Climate Change di stan ACT Talk yang menjadi bagian dari Program Madang selama Sidang Raya Dewan Gereja Sedunia ke-10 di Busan.
"Im Westen wird häufig generalisiert" - Die chinesische Pfarrerin Lin Manhong (ÖRK)
Der Chinesische Christenrat (CCC) ist das einzige Mitglied im Ökumenischen Rat der Kirchen aus China. Bei der 10. ÖRK-Vollversammlung ist der CCC mit einer Ausstellung vertreten. Im Interview spricht die chinesische Pfarrerin Lin Manhong, die für den CCC in Busan ist, über die Arbeit des Rates und die Situation der Christen in China.
Youth urges church to address violence
DOMESTIC violence in the Solomon Islands must be addressed by churches if women and children are to live in safety and justice. Anglican youth worker Caroline Ratu said at the World Council of Churches 10th Assembly in South Korea that the incidence of violent acts against women and children would only be reduced through church intervention.
World Council of Churches Supports Unification of Korea, Participates in 'Peace Pilgrimage'
Hundreds of attendees of the World Council of Churches' Tenth Assembly participated in a "pilgrimage of peace" taken in the 60th year since the armistice that ended the combat phase of the Korean War was signed. An estimated 800 WCC participants joined the peace pilgrimage on Saturday, calling for the unification of the Korean Peninsula after generations of tensions between the North and South.
Leading Orthodox official urges World Council of Churches to challenge secularism, radical Islam
Addressing the World Council of Churches, the Russian Orthodox Church’s leading ecumenical official questioned the effectiveness of the ecumenical body and warned that Christians must face the challenges of secularism and radical Islam.
Churches must take action to address climate change
Delegates at the World Council of Churches 10th Assembly heard that unless real action was taken, the global community would not take heed of rising sea levels which threaten the Pacific and parts of Asia.
Assembly hears advocates of just-peace in Palestine and Israel
A space set up by the World Council of Churches (WCC) Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel (EAPPI) at the WCC’s 10th Assembly in Busan, Republic of Korea, has been sharing the realities of people living in the Palestinian occupied territory, through images, presentation and conversations stressing the need for just-peace in the region.
El CMI elige nuevo Comité Central
La X Asamblea del Consejo Mundial de Iglesias ha elegido su Comité Central el día de hoy durante una reunión a puerta cerrada en Busan, Corea del Sur. La Asamblea eligió un Comité Central de 150 miembros, que sirve como cuerpo principal de toma de decisiones del Consejo entre Asambleas
Ecumenical Springtime?
After examining new challenges in the field of mission, the World Council of Churches Assembly in Busan, South Korea returned to the crucial theme of the search for unity between the divided Christian Churches. Earlier this year, a new document from the WCC’s Faith and Order Commission showed that today there is more common ground than ever before, a development that was built on by the Busan encounter. Philippa Hitchen is following events with the Catholic delegation at the Assembly…..
La asamblea ha elegido entre los nuevos presidentes del CMI al patriarca de todos los armenios
Según la Constitución del CMI, el cometido de los presidentes es promover el ecumenismo y dar a conocer la labor del Consejo Mundial de Iglesias, especialmente en su respectivas regiones, es decir, que actúan como embajadores, o 'relaciones públicas', del CMI. Son también miembros ex oficio del Comité Central.
Archbishop visits Korea with message of church unity
The Archbishop of Canterbury left Korea today after a five-day visit in which he praised the Korean Anglican Church for providing 'a vision of unity'. Archbishop Justin said he was ‘thrilled’ to be invited by the Anglican Church of Korea and its primate, the Most Revd Paul Kim
Llamamiento a unirse en la lucha a favor de la eco-justicia
La reunión plenaria de la X Asamblea del Consejo Mundial de Iglesias de esta mañana estuvo dedicada al tema de la justicia y se realizó a modo de talk show, conducido por la Rev.da Angelique Walker-Smith, pastora bautista y periodista televisiva.
Une Cubaine à la tête de l'œcuménisme latino-américain. Ofelia Ortega Suarez
Alors que le Conseil œcuménique des Églises réunit sa 10e Assemblée à Busan, en Corée du Sud, « La Croix » propose chaque jour le portrait d'une personnalité engagée en faveur de l'unité des chrétiens. Aujourd'hui, la pasteure presbytérienne Ofelia Ortega Suarez.
Weltkirchenrat: Fünf Deutsche in ÖRK-Zentralausschuss gewählt
Die 10. Vollversammlung des Ökumenischen Rates der Kirchen (ÖRK) hat fünf Vertreter der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland (EKD) in den ÖRK-Zentralausschuss gewählt.
Focus of global churches turns to justice and HIV-AIDS
Following reflections from around the world on Christian unity, Asia and mission, the WCC assembly plenary on 6 November in Busan, Republic of Korea, highlighted struggles for justice.
Climate Change is a justice issue for Pacific people
Climate change is a justice issue for Pacific people and coastal communities around the world. Reverend Tafue Lusama – General secretary of the Ekalesia Kelisiano Tuvalu – said most people who were affected by climate change had done very little to cause global warming.
Une pasteure indonésienne dans l'archipel des religions Margaretha Hendriks-Ririmasse
Une pasteure indonésienne dans l'archipel des religions Margaretha Hendriks-Ririmasse. Alors que le Conseil œcuménique des Églises réunit sa 10e Assemblée à Busan, en Corée du Sud, « La Croix » propose chaque jour le portrait d'une personnalité engagée en faveur de l'unité des chrétiens.
L’œcuménisme s’est donné rendez-vous en Corée
La 10e assemblée du Conseil œcuménique des églises, qui rassemble l’ensemble des Églises chrétiennes du monde, s’est tenue à Busan, deuxième ville de Corée du sud, du 30 octobre au 8 novembre sur le thème « Dieu de la vie, conduis-nous vers la justice et la paix ».
Bedford-Strohm: Klimaschutz und globale Gerechtigkeit gehören zusammen
Klimaschutz und globale Gerechtigkeit sind nach Ansicht des bayerischen Landesbischofs Heinrich Bedford-Strohm nicht zu trennen.
Assemblea CEC. Nel Comitato Centrale eletta la valdese Valeria Fornerone
La X Assemblea generale del Consiglio ecumenico delle chiese (CEC) a Busan (Corea del Sud) ha eletto la valdese Valeria Fornerone nel Comitato centrale – il “parlamentino” del CEC – che costituisce la massima autorità dell’organismo ecumenico mondiale tra un’assemblea e l’altra.
World Council of Churches to Observe Genocide Centennial
The World Council of Churches (WCC) has addressed the issue of the Armenian Genocide in international fora on several occasions.
South Sudan looks to change beyond independence
The prayer and theme of the World Council of Churches (WCC) 10th Assembly is “God of life, lead us to justice and peace”. What does the prayer for justice and peace means for South Sudan today and in the future?
'Safe space' at WCC listens to pain of sexual minorities
A 'safe space' created for dialogue on human sexuality featured stories of pain, exclusion and violence faced by sexual minorities in many parts of the world. This space for dialogue was provided in a workshop on 5 November 2013 at the World Council of Churches (WCC) 10th Assembly currently underway in Busan, Republic of Korea.
New VP for WCC
A Tongan educator is the first woman elected vice-president of the World Council of Churches from the Pacific.
Vlaamse oudkatholieke bisschop herkozen in centraal comité Wereldraad van Kerken
De Vlaming Joris Vercammen, aartsbisschop van Utrecht van de oudkatholieke Kerk, is woensdag herkozen in het Centraal Comité van de Wereldraad van Kerken.
Weltkirchenrat will verfolgten Christen beistehen
In vielen islamischen Ländern werden Christen verfolgt und vertrieben. Jetzt will der Weltkirchenrat auf Schutz für die bedrohten Glaubensbrüder dringen. Gegen wirtschaftlichen Druck gibt es allerdings Bedenken.
Evangelism added to WCC mission statement for the first time
An evangelist "Goods new for all" declaration is a central theme of a new mission statement presented by a World Council of Churches committee.
Stop talking, take action on climate change
Delegates at the World Council of Churches 10th Assembly heard that unless real action was taken, the global community would not take heed of rising sea levels which threaten the Pacific and parts of Asia.


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